A Greater Buckeye Network

A Greater Buckeye Network is comprised of residents from the Buckeye, Larchmere, Woodland Hills, and Shaker Square neighborhoods. This area has a rich history of community organizing and powerful neighborhood engagement.

Today, residents are continuing that legacy through issue-based organizing, neighbor circles, one-on-one conversations, and more. All to bring neighbors together and empower residents to utilize their unique gifts to build up A Greater Buckeye community.

Neighbor Night

Connect with neighbors from Buckeye, Larchmere, Shaker Square, Woodland Hills, and beyond for a night of relationship building, mutual supports, and to spark new initiatives with others.

Last Monday of the month, 6 pm Cummins Hall, 12503 Buckingham Ave. Cleveland 44120.

Action Clinics

Action Clinics leverage resident power & local assets to help communities move from ideas to impactful actions, ultimately driving sustainable development & positive change. Often, Action Clinics are born out of the conversations that take place during Neighbor Night.

Action Clinics usually take place on the Monday afternoon after the most recent Neighbor Night.

Contact Julian Khan at jkhan@neighborhoodgrants.org for more information about the next Action Clinic!

Neighbor Circles

If we are honest with ourselves, we will admit that most of us don’t know our neighbors and they don’t know us. Neighbor circles seek to change that.

Each session takes place on an identified street in ‘Greater Buckeye’, identified by community members and stakeholders via an asset-based approach. The residents/partners were identified through engagement, community gatherings, neighborly conduct, organized efforts and beyond. Under the leadership of a resident “host” and trained facilitator, 8-10 families come together a total of three times over the course of a month for dinner and conversation. They get to know each other, talk about the neighborhood or the city, and decide as group if there is something that they can do together to help build community in Buckeye.

For more info: Contact Julian Khan at jkhan@neighborhoodgrants.org.

There are no strangers here, just friends you haven’t met yet.

W.B. Yeats

The essential challenge is to transform the isolation and self-interest within our communities into connectedness and caring for the whole.

Peter Block

It’s about the relationships.

The Neighbor Up Network