
Check-In is our practice for opening a gathering. It is a question asked of everyone in the group. It can be a simple update, or connect to the theme and topic of the event in a positive way.

It must be personal and not work related. Depending on how many people are in the room, you may want everyone to answer or set a 5-10 minute timeframe, at the end of which you can ask for a few shares, depending on the time available.

Why do it?

Check-in helps…

  1. Clear our minds and focus on the people in the room.
  2. Set a positive tone.
  3. Each person a chance to put their voice into the room.
  4. People get to know each other on a personal level in a small but powerful way.

Examples include sharing a recent win—something new or good; something you recently realized about yourself;
what are you most proud of in your life right now?