Personal Mapping

Mapping is an exercise that is especially useful to do with new groups. It can help to build common ground, the basis for strong relationships.

Why do it?

Everyone has a story to tell and the telling of these stories often reveals miracles of caring, old ways lost, values held, sickness, healing, talents, and other common aspects of the human drama. These stories are as beneficial to the one who tells them as they are to the ones who hear them and the stories often enable strangers to connect deeply through common experiences.

How does it work?

Participants gather in a semi-circle around the three maps taped to the wall. The facilitator invites everyone to tell their story by tracing their personal history on the maps. Each participant writes their initials on the place they were born and then traces a line connecting all the places where they have lived while explaining the reasons behind each move.

What materials do I need?

Cleveland Map, United States Map, World  Map, Dry Erase Markers, Flip Chart Paper, Permanent Markers, Tape.

This exercise is optimal for groups of 3 to 10 people, and should take 20-60 minutes.